using namespace Util;
using namespace Core;
// check whether an object is instance of a specific class
if (myObj->IsInstanceOf(MyClass::RTTI))
// it's a MyClass object
// check whether an object is instance of a derived class
if (myObj->IsA(RefCounted::RTTI))
// it's a RefCounted instance or some RefCounted-derived instance
// get the class name of my object, this yields "MyNamespace::MyClass"
const String& className = myObj->GetClassName();
// get the fourcc class identifier of my object, this yields 'MYCL'
const FourCC& fourcc = myObj->GetClassFourCC();
using namespace Core;
// check if a class has been registered by class name
if (Factory::Instance()->ClassExists("MyNamespace::MyClass"))
// yep, the class exists
// check if a class has been registered by class fourcc code
if (Factory::Instance()->ClassExists(FourCC('MYCL')))
// yep, the class exists